PC holds the address of the instruction that currently executed.
registers, base pointer, stack pointer
condition code: ZF, SF, OF
memory(monolithic byte array)
Types of encoding the Y-86 instructions:
I-type, D-type and B-type
movq is split: I, R, M -> R, M
AL instructions: addq, subq, andq, xorq (as there is no zero register in Y-86 processor, you must add an xorq instruction)
jumps: jmp, <=, <, ==, !=, >=, >
cond move: <=, <, ==, !=, >=, >
halt: stops the program
code + function
store in a small RAM
no ambiguity when encoding the instructions
Y86-64 is CISC-like for its various length of instructions and RISC-like for its single load/store encoding
shut whenever not AOK
run a code
addq needs another register but subq can also set the stat code
pushq and popq’s details may largely reduce the code portability, problem may occur when subq compares rsp and the pushed value, or pop the stack pointer, undefined behavior always annoy people anytime anywhere.
combinational logic, memory elements, clock signals(sequential logic is split into two parts)
similarity: Verilog -> C, VHDL -> Ada
HCL == block:
bool eq = (a && b) || (!a && !b)
HCL MUX block:
bool out = (s && a) || ()
word level: using cases
sequential logic
reg & RAM
state changes only when clock rises
simple regfile:
valA, valB, srcA, srcB, dstW, valW
in the Y86 processor: a memory with 2 ports, one for R inst, the other for R/W data
stages of instructions
PC = memaddr
valP = PC + len(inst)
read operands from reg file
ALU performs instruction or incr/decr the stack pointer, for other instruction, similar
W/R data in mem
Write back
write back to register
PC update
PC stores addr of next instruction
cost of adding hardware > cost of copying code in software
process similar instructions in same manners
Fetch: PC computes valP, the incremented PC.
Decode: read valA and valB
Execute: ALU calculates integer or increments the stack pointer, decides whether jump or not.
Memory: read or write a word of mem
Write Back: write back from ALU or mem
PC update
only start next cycle when clock rises
processor never read back
eg: no instruction will both set and read the cond code
eg: stack pointer
fetch: fetching 6 bytes and generate instruction fields.
decode & write back: generate register identifiers, serve necessary data.
execute: ALU performs as the calculator or just the adder.
memory: write or read memory values.
PC increment: depend on instruction code or branch or not.
the clock must run slow enough to suit the single-cycle.
the parts of the processor only active for a single part of time in the clock cycle
divide into a series of discrete stages
increase the throughput of a system, but slightly increase the latency
nonpipelined: a logic performs the computation with a register hold the result of the computation
latency: the total time to perform a single instruction
slowing the clock won’t change the behavior of a pipeline.
different clock delays of different instructions influences the pipeline,
due to the delay, pipeline doesn’t always have larger throughput with more stages on each instruction
logical dependencies limits the performance of pipeline